Linked Learning
In order to graduate, an LAUSD student must assemble a portfolio of work that demonstrates how he or she has met the standards of the LAUSD Graduate Profile. The student selects evidence from the portfolio and orally defends, in front of a live panel.
How am I prepared for college, career, and life?
The Graduate Profile defines the knowledge, skills, and attributes students should have and be able to demonstrate.
Learn more about the linked learning approach to teaching and learning that blurs the traditional lines between school, career, and civic life and how each GARDENA HIGH SCHOOL LINKED LEARNING PATHWAY customizes this approach to meet our school community's diverse needs.
Student Responsibility
1. You are responsible for documenting your work and progress throughout the four years of high school
2. Maintain a digital record of your graded work and achievements on Google Drive or Schoology.
3. Regularly reflect on your work and progress using the pathway outcomes and District Graduate Profile.
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