Greetings Proud Panthers,
No school on Monday, January 15. See you in school Tuesday, January 16.
1/15: No School
1/16-1/19: Required School Days.
Better FAFSA / CADAA open for students to apply for financial aid for Fall 2024. Parent contributes without a Social Security Number can now create an account on
Reminders for Students
Telehealth services now available at Gardena High School. Click
here for more information and get a parent consent signed today.
Virtual Tutoring for students now available. See the Home-Based Tutoring Steps to Sign-Up
English /
Spanish flyer attached.
Your Mental Health is Important. You're not alone. Talk to us. See the
English /
Spanish flyer attached.
Student Success Card App is your gateway to resources offered by the Los Angeles Public Library with access to over 200 databases, free online tutoring, homework help, music and movies, magazines, test prep, and a language-learning platform—all in one place!
We will continue School Wide Positive Behavior Raffle Ticket daily in January.
Reminders for Parents
LA Unified Family Academy is designed to leverage families’ assets to be empowered as they support their child from the early primary years to college and career success. This effort will complement family knowledge by connecting them to actionable learning focused on their child’s development, as well as opportunities to accelerate their own careers and quality of livelihood.
One-to-One Tutoring, 24/7, through Schoology. See
How It Works.
Attendance Matters! Every Day Counts!
Students on-time to school and on-time to class, earning an average grade of C or better, and satisfactory to excellent cooperation will remain eligible for activities and athletics. In addition, a grade of C or better in all classes allows you to be eligible to apply for a California State or University College. Attendance Matters! Every Day Counts!
Masking indoors is strongly recommended. Only those who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or who have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive, will be required to test. Please contact Family Help Desk at 213-443-1300, Monday-Friday, 6:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.