J. Graham » Art Classes

Art Classes

Course Description Photography AB

Photography AB is an introduction to the digital camera as a tool for making and creating art. The course will use digital photography to help students learn and apply the basic principles of photography, design, photo-editing, and visual problem solving as a means to communicate and express themselves.

Digital imaging is an area of study that, when developed, supports effective communication, and visual literacy. This class is designed to develop students’ ability to express their ideas visually in the modern medium of photography and fulfills the one year of Visual and Performing Arts needed to be compliant with the A-G graduation requirements.

Course Description: Intro to Art AB
Students will explore the creative process through projects and by studying individual artists, art movements, and world cultures. This course offers students an introduction to art as a means of expression and communication. The elements of art will be studied and applied to two and three-dimensional design projects. 
This class is designed to develop students’ ability to express their ideas visually in the modern medium of photography and fulfills the one year of Visual and Performing Arts needed to be compliant with the A-G graduation requirements.